Monday, December 15, 2014

Pete Martinez Autobioargraphy

Hi my name is Pete Martinez, Im from San Jose California

i never used to garden or anything like that,my grandma used to grow tomatos in here back yard i used to help her wash them.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Blog Post #7: The Wonders of Biodiversity

In my story of the seed, the plant that I am using is Brassica oleracea. I can predict that his parents had purple and white stem because my plant has a shade of purple and white. That's why his parents might have had some combination of these traits.  Most of my plant's traits would have come from his dominant parent. My plant will likely make more seeds and pass on its traits on to the next generation of plants. Whether my plant's genetic offspring look like it depends on what is inherited from each of its parents.  They might look different because of genetic variation in the plant's gene pool that occurred over hundreds of years. The plant started with a common ancestor, but variation occurred as meiosis pairing took place over and over again. That would cause many different  forms of brassica oleracea from the same common ancestor.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

                                                Lupita Sanchez #8 : seed stories, semester 1

 1. Q: What have you learned ?
     A: She learned about the nitrogen cycle and the carbon cycle.  

2. Q: What made you laugh ?
    A: How some of her seeds for the garden didn't grow.

3.  Q: What made you pause and make you think a little deeper?
     A: She said how plants just don't need water and sunlight to grow, but also have to pass through different stages for them to be healthy.

4. Q: What surprised or amazed you?
    A: She said all the different animals and insects that were in the garden.

5.  Q: What questions do you have about the things you observed or experienced in the garden?
     A:  She said that she wondered how those compost help the plants grow healthier.